Rose in the dark before dawn this morning for another mixed terrain meander around Pune city streets and hill trails before breakfast. The route today starts with a reverse of the Pune Pootle from Sunday, then diverts around city streets and through pretty a little park called Chittandjran Garden.
I think every day I've been here there has been mist around the city in the morning and today is no exception. Climbing Chaturshringi hill above the temple I look back over the misty city streets just below. I have a steep dusty rocky climb here. The hill side is covered with rain water capture ditches, part of the fauna development project.
Misty Pune Streets |
Climbing Chaturshringi Hill |
Rainwater capture ditches |
Reaching the spur to the north west the city remains misty but the clouds ahead are changing to the rose colours of sunrise. I turn around toward the east and the great red globe has risen.
The misty city |
Clouds changing to the rose colours of sunrise |
Looking east the great red globe rises ... |
Returning to the main hill trail I am still admiring the rising sun as I pass a shelter and watch tower. I bear right on the walking trails toward Vetal Tekdi, passing the quarry on my right, but my eyes are drawn to sights of the sun between the trees to my left. I reach the top of Vetal as the sun slides behind cloud.
Shelter and watchtower in Chaturshringi hills |
Reaching the top of Vetal Tidke the sun slides behind cloud |
I descend Vetal and the sun reappears from cloud, the shade is a little less red, a little more golden. Soon I have descended Vetal to city streets and after a few hundred yards start the ascent of Hanuman Tekdi. In contrast to Sunday afternoon, I am not the only runner out and about this morning. Reaching the summit we see the hand irrigation of trees and shrubs in progress. I think this is just wonderful. The sight of the sun through trees here again, and everywhere you can see someone doing the yoga sun salutation. Descending Hanuman, I spy a bird of prey perched in the trees.
Descending Vetal the sun reappears |
Runner ascending Hanuman Tekdi |
Hand irrigation on Hanuman |
The sun through trees atop Hanuman |
Surya Namaskara |
Bird of prey |
I'm done with the trails for this morning. For the next couple of miles I'll be bashing around the streets, getting lost, and passing through pretty little Chittandjran Garden. The scenes of life on the street would make quite a photograph collection but I do not feel comfortable taking pictures of people sleeping, bathing, cooking, eating, laundering ... there is so much poverty here ..
Chittandran Garden |
This morning was similar to the Pune Pootle in distance and ascent, about 12.5km and about 300m climbed, but so much easier going in the morning compared to the intense heat of the afternoon. I had a really pleasant hour and a half this morning.
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