So yesterday, with snow forecast, and new shoes arrived the day before, I was a bit eager for a wee scamper in the hills. Family and domestic duties were completed early afternoon, my time, time to hit them hills .... but without camera, and without media player, yesterday was a day for the joy of running in the hills, free of electronic clutter, full of the joy of nature.
No camera, yet there will be pictures, first a few words. Started at the lower car park at Hillend just off the A702 with a good climb past the ski centre up the east end of the Caerketton ridge, running/walking on the steep. Then enjoyed a gorgeous run along the ridge heading to the west over Caerketton Hill and Allermuir Hill - lots of walkers and just four other runners. Down from Allermuir Hill toward the bealach between Capelaw, and then to the left on the "red brick road" toward Castlelaw. Ascent of Castlelaw on "sheep track" (usually muddy, today firm, hard, due to frozen terrain) and descent on stoney "road" (bit like scree running, great fun), Return along "red brick road", back over the tops of Alllermuir and Caerketton hills, then a bit of muddy zig-zag fun around Hillend Country Park. I had a good good ninety-ish minutes over about 10.1 km climbing about 590 metres. Snow, I was really looking forward to running in snow, was limited to a brief light flurry after the first hour .... the next morning, the snow came to these hills, oh beautiful snow ...
Today, with snow falling really well, family walking outing starting on the same route, with camera, and a few post hoc photographs to share :-)
So, we start at the lower car park area at Hillend, and we ascend steeply toward Caerketton Hill. We have obscured yet enticing views of Caerketton Hill as we wander through Hillend Counry Park.
Start, lower car park, Hillend |
Obscured yet enticing views of the hills ... |
... as we wander through snow. |
The serious ascent arrives, with a information for the bikers. This part is a real "pipe opener", and here I am not able to run (maybe, one day, we can dream) so yesterday was hands on thighs walking up as fast as possible and very heavy breathing - today walking with family, a leisurely slow pace, lots of stops, and lots of time to enjoy the scenery :)
Steep ascent toward Caerketton ridge ... |
... with information for the bikers ,,, |
... views over the artificial ski slope ... |
... and the iron age hill fort. |
The brunt of the steep ascent is completed, we have stumbled and slipped for half an hour, and the cairn on the eastern end of the ridge is reached. In normal conditions the summit of Caerketton hill, quite close, is visible, but today, not so much. There are quite a few runners out today, enjoying the conditions I had hoped for yesterday, I am a wee tad envious, my feet are impatient!
Cairn at east end of Caerketton ridge, limited visibilty ... |
Not mine today, alas ... |
Allermuir Hill, Obscured. |
From Allermuir hill top the routes of the weekend diverge. The family have done well clambering over the slippy frozen ground and snow, but much time has passed. We picnic lunch in a small stone shelter, with wooden bench, near the summit of Allernuir Hill. We are over two hours from the start ... yesterday I was all done, back at the car, stretched, and on the drive back home already. The decision is, that we should not continue to Castlelaw today, instead we descend toward easier paths for our return, with gorgeous views up to the crags of Caerketton.
Caerketton crags |
I got my snowy time in these wonderful little hills, and enjoyed some snowball play, and that was good, really good. Yet, for me, the snow would have been better a day earlier, when I was out wearing me new dancin' shoes :)
Dancin' shoes :-) |
The first time I put these shoes on, my toes were squashed together, this was not comfortable, and I was wondering whether or not I could wear them running. I could .. for the first half an hour there was discomfort at the outside edge of the left foot ... that discomfort went away. The walshies were really grippy, most excellent in that department, This was my first experience of running in something 'flat' - almost zero offset between heel and toe. I liked it, a lot! (Must get some minimalist road shoes, soon ....) These shoes do not have much of cushion, the terrain should provide the cushion. That was fine underfoot, but ... I have a couple of issues around left heel - plantar/achilles - and these really showed up in the walshies compared to my little more cushioned road shoes. So, conclusion on the new walsshies was - fantastic grip, fantastic feel., brilliant, really light, but demanding perfection from you in terms of foot condition.
I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
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