Snow! We have snow! The first snow of winter. Not so much in the city, but much on the hills, very exciting for me. I had hoped to steal a couple of hours on Thursday, alas that did not work out, luckily family kindly granted me a couple of hours leave this weekend afternoon. Put the car in at Boghall with a vague plan, head along the footpath to the hill fort below Castlelaw, up top of Castlelaw, down and along the "red brick road", over Allermuir Hill, along the ridge over Caerketton Hill, and then ... well, somehow back to Boghall, lots of options, figure that part out later.
Worn: Walsh PB shoes, socks, leggings, shorts, under-shirt, over-shirt, windproof, light-weight beanie and gloves, garmin.
Carried: Waterproofs, extra shirt, warm hat and gloves, whistle, survival blanket, survival food, water, mobile, cash and cards, keys, camera - only camera used.
So, the start, at Boghall Farm, my car is alone in the car park. Ahead are icy/muddy footpaths around the farm, with snow in the fields - looks like these fields could be good for some sledging fun at the moment. The route marker arrows indicate right, but I know that behind a few trees we have a small footbridge over the burn, part covered in ice, take care not to slip here. Now for a short while up between the trees in delightful Boghall Glen, the sound of the river below to my right, then out onto the open snow-covered fields. I'm on a relatively new path from Boghall to Castlelaw hill fort, the path officially runs around the edge of the field, but there are footprints in every direction, so I will head across the snow on the most direct route - there are only some sheep on the other side of the field today.
The start, at Boghall Farm, ice and mud. |
Crossing the burn in Boghall Glen ... |
... and up through the trees ... |
... to the open fields, covered in snow. |
Lovely running along the line of trees above the field, although the ground is either animal hoof churned frozen mud (ankles!) or simply soft wet mud (squelch!). Soon I reach a short boardwalk over a section of especially muddy ground. Beware wooden structures, they are prone to decay, and very slippery in studded running shoes, I must take care here. I am chuckling to myself, remembering a run in
February a couple of years ago, further South in these hills ... I slipped on a wooden railway sleeper bridge and fell right into the cold water below. Through another gate to another snow covered field, and realisation that I have only the vaguest memories of the route here, it has been a long time. Footprints in two directions - a lone walker along the edge of the field and then down into the next valley, two runners have descended toward this point, across the field. I choose to follow the footprints of the runners, one pair of Salomon, one pair of Inov8, up the slope of the field. Soon I realise I am in an unfamiliar place, and the studmarks turn left back toward the main road. I can see a break in the wall below, and then a gate, and looks like a faint pair of ATV tracks in the general correct direction, so I'll head that way. My first target summit, Castlelaw, towers above me to the right. The faint ATV tracks turn out to be a kind of deception, I am ploughing uphill through ankle deep or more snow on rough ground, this is tough, not really runnable, hard work to even walk at a decent pace. I can see the fence and signs around the edge of the military shooting range area close, there can not be much more of this toil to come, and the view of the Sun and Turnhouse Hill lifts my spirit.
Lovely through the trees although tough underfoot. |
Take care on the slippery boardwalk! |
Target one, Castlelaw, towers above ... |
... but first I must toil up through the snow on rough ground. |
Sight of the sun over Turnhouse Hill lifts me, |
Soon I arrive at one of the military roads (rough tracks) up here and the going is easier, very runnable, happy to be moving along with a bit more speed. Just one problem, the wind, its strong with a few fierce gusts. I reach the turning to my left up a very steep path to the summit of Castlelaw, Its my second favourite path up to the summit and was my plan for today. I don't fancy another session of slogging on tough ground through steep ankle (plus) deep snow, and I would have to do battle with that wind. So like a wimp I decide to skip this summit, and carry on along the military road. Interesting snow drift on the side of the road. Then as I reach a fork I see a lone walker heading up my number one favourite path up to the top of this hill, a narrow and steep path, not much more than a sheep track. Short pause to think, alright, decided, I'll head up that lovely little path, but it will be a real slog, so I'll stow the camera until I'm back on the road ... should be about fifteen minutes.
Good to be on the military tracks now, Castlelaw ahead ... |
... route one up to the summit and footprints in the snow ... |
... carrying on along the military road, drifts on my left. |
Walker in the distance on my favourite ascent, I'll head that way now. |
Well, quite a slog up, and a fast descent on the military road which leads from the summit. I'm back on the red brick road looking toward Allermuir Hill, target number two for today. Along the way, looking over my shoulder at Scald Law and Carnethy Hill, there is heavy weather, perhaps coming this way. Scurry along old plodder, and then some entertaining drift at the cattle grid. Here a turn to my right, yay the wind is a shade more to my back, and another short tough climb in drifted snow. The summit furniture is a welcome sight, and two other runners coming up in the opposite direction. We exchange a few friendly words.
Back to easier, faster, running along the military roads. |
Looks like rough weather might be coming. |
Entertaining drifting at the cattle-grid. |
Summit of Allermuir a welcome sight now, and a couple of runners approach. |
Now for me the steep down the other side. More snow drift, deeper, but that's big fun on the way down! Looking over my shoulder, the two runners from the summit are coming down the same way, I feel sure that they are having big fun as well. I pause above the Windy Door Nick and exchange a few brief words, but they are thinking about the probable incoming weather, and scamper away. I'm a bit tired now, and reaching the summit cairn of Caerketton Hill is a kind of relief, the last summit for me today. I'm going to continue along the ridge, but now it is time to think about the route back to Boghall. I could run along to the end of the ridge, and then down north to the top of the skip slope, and familiar paths. I could run a bit along the ridge, then cross the fence to my right, and find some way down to the main path along Boghall Glen, back to the farm and the car park. First option is a bit longer but known, second option should be a bit shorter but not known, perhaps rough ground and drift drudge.
Woo hoo! Big fun run down the steep through the drift! |
The two runners behind me also having big fun :) |
Welcome sight, summit cairn on Caerketton, last top for me today. |
Looking along the end of the ridge, contemplating route choice. |
The wind had strengthened on the way up Caerketton, its pretty fierce, and the direction has changed a bit. The heavy weather could be here very soon. Oh, hey, what's this, a fence crossing point, and looks like a small path on the other side, and there is one pair of footprints. I think I've never really noticed this point before, so hey-ho, that's the way for me today. Too soon I lose the faint path and the footprints and I'm down over the rough, trying to avoid the drifts. Mostly it goes well, quite fast, and taking care to stay on ground where the vegetation is visible above the snow. Sometimes, not so well, legs in snow calf deep. Oh well, I know the walker path through Boghall Glen is not far below me, enjoy the descent. Checking the watch for a moment, its sunset time, but not
the most spectacular sunset I've seen up here in the hills, in the snow ... still, a nice sight.
Yay! A new route over this crossing point! |
The faint path soon becomes rough ground on descent. |
Just a few entertaining calf deep drifts. |
Sunset time, perhaps not the best, but lovin' it anyway. |
Good to reach the walker path and easier faster running again, the snow lighter, often compacted. Lower down, by the weather station, it turns mostly to ice and mud. Not far to go now. Running down the glen I once more hear the sounds of the burn, now down to my right. I also now hear the less pleasant sounds of traffic on the A702. Time for a digression ... pretty much every time I drive out to one of the car parks beside this road to run on the delightful paths in the hills, I see several people running along the road. Why? Every one of them is a breath away from a gorgeous network of paths through and over the hills, where the sound is peace and nature, and the air is clean, and underfoot the earth is soft and gentle. I think they are mad to miss this gift, but hey, probably they think me and my ilk are mad to run in these places. Horses for courses? I think not! Anyway, I am nearly done, back-track along just a few more gates, a few more fields, and then the footpaths around the farm to the car park. Running along the footpaths, through the light half-frozen snow, I am amused to see my stud-marks, my footprints, from the start today.
Good going now along the easier underfoot walkers' path ... |
... which turns to ice and mud at the weather station. |
Loving the sound of the burn below to my right ... |
... and my stud-marks from the start this afternoon. |
Returning to the car park, felt good, happy to be done. Few more cars now, and a couple of families having fun sledging in the fields. Note to self: In the run up to Christmas, must try get junior out for a spot of sledging before this wonderful white stuff melts away. Tough session for me today, just 8.2km distance, about 420m ascent/descent, on my feet for 1:31:28, was great to get some fresh air in the lungs, and you have to love the snow. One very good friend suggested I should add a piece to these blog posts, to show my route, so here's the route captured from Google Earth, just hope I don't get into any kind of copyright trouble now ;)
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